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congested area中文是什么意思

用"congested area"造句"congested area"怎么读"congested area" in a sentence


  • 拼抢区
  • 人口稠密区
  • 拥挤的区域
  • 拥挤地区


  • Bus operations in congested areas
  • The proposed service will not operate in congested areas or via local busy roads
  • Its compact size allows it to maneuver down narrow aisles and into congested areas
  • Avoid traveling to the affected congested areas , especially wan chai north , unless really necessary
  • Wood betony works in cleansing impurities from the blood and opens congested areas of the liver and spleen
  • Pedestrian streets , squares and plazas provide a vehicle - free environment in highly congested areas
  • This is very useful for reviewing congested areas of the design and has allowed us to dispense with the physical mock - ups previously built
    这对于检查设计中的拥挤地区非常有用,它让我们省去了以前制作实物模型的做法。 ”
  • Ii . congestion is expected on approach roads to cemeteries . motorists are advised not to drive to the affected congested areas if possible
  • Buses have been diverted from the urban busy areas to new towns in the new territories to meet the population growth and transport demand . bus operations in congested areas
  • Following the chief executive s policy address in 1999 on environmental improvements and his stress on the priority in improving air quality in the policy address in 2000 , transport department continues to take active measures to ameliorate air quality . these measures include replacing diesel taxis with liquefied petroleum gas taxis , exploring the use of electric light buses , controlling the growth of the franchised bus fleet , enhancing bus operations in congested areas , introducing bus - bus and bus - rail interchange schemes , improving vehicle emission , and implementing pedestrian schemes
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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